
For over 30 years, Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat has continued in this important endeavor of charitable giving. These efforts, founded and inspired by jagadguruttam Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj, have led to three main armsof Philanthropy.

Watch the 4 minute video on all the major Philanthropic Activities of JKP

Key Data 2016-17

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    3 Million

    Lives Medically Helped

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    Girls Educated

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    Poor Relief Fund

Medical Services for those in need

The hospital in Mangarh was extended to include a separate Eye Hospital, Jagadguru Kripalu Netra Chikitsalaya, for the benefit of the increasing number of patients with eyesight/vision problems, which was inaugurated by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj on 26th July 2009. The hospital in Barsana also has a separate Eye unit. Free Eye Camps are organised multiple times a year where patients suffering from cataract are treated by performing cataract surgery.

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Education for Girls

The hospital in Mangarh was extended to include a separate Eye Hospital, Jagadguru Kripalu Netra Chikitsalaya, for the benefit of the increasing number of patients with eyesight/vision problems, which was inaugurated by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj on 26th July 2009. The hospital in Barsana also has a separate Eye unit. Free Eye Camps are organised multiple times a year where patients suffering from cataract are treated by performing cataract surgery.

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Poor Relief Fund

Recent Charitable Activities