Blog - Page 10 of 14 - JKP
What is the Purpose of My Life?
What is the Purpose of My Life? (THE PHILOSOPHY OF SANATAN DHARM) By Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj The great big world we are living in consists of five kinds of toys. God has provided all these toys to his children. God is the wealthiest and therefore his toy (this material world) is so big […]
THE PHILOSOPHY OF SANATAN DHARM By Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj Every living being in the entire universe is attempting to find out the solution for a single question. “Who am I? Very few people know the answer, maybe one in millions. So this is something we need to know!” The Vedas state, “O humans! […]
Philanthrophic Activities in March 2023
Philanthrophic Activities in March 2023 Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat, under the guidance and personal efforts of its three Presidents, the daughters of Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj, HH Sushri Dr Vishakha Tripathi Ji, HH Sushri Dr Shyama Tripathi Ji and HH Sushri Dr Krishna Tripathi Ji, runs various philanthropic arms including a 100% charitable school/college for […]
Are Shri Ram and Shri Krishna the same?
Are Shri Ram and Shri Krishna the same? (An excerpt of a speech delivered by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj during Ram Navmi) To differentiate amongst God’s Divine forms is considered a namaparadh (spiritual transgression). There is no greater sin than a namaparadh. In fact, It is a spiritual transgression to even consider God and […]
Holi – The Festival of Colours and Love
Holi – The Festival of Colours and Love Holi is an ancient and one of the most popular festivals in Hinduism. It celebrates the eternal and Divine Love of Radha Krishna. It also signifies the triumph of good over evil, as it commemorates the victory of God over the evil king, Hiranyakashipu. In Braj, Mathura, […]
Guru Dham Mandir
GURU DHAM MANDIR (The Embodiment of Guru Bhakti) Two years ago, a new hope rose for all those walking on the path of Bhakti, as an embodiment of Guru Bhakti was to take shape. Through the years, we have seen millions of devotees show extreme love for their Guru. The Vedas tell us that the […]
Mahaprabhu Jayanti
MAHAPRABHU JAYANTI(An excerpt of a speech delivered by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj) “You are all fully aware that singing the name of God (kirtan) is the means to God-realisation. God’s name can make you cross the ocean of material existence. Yes, you all know that. But do you know what is the first prerequisite […]
Lord Shiva as a Gopi
Lord Shiva as a Gopi (Lecture given by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj on Maha-Shivaratri Day) Five thousand years ago, the Absolute Truth, the Supreme Divine Bliss descended in the form of Shri Krishna. At that time, to get a glimpse of Shri Krishna, Lord Shiva came as a Gopi. A naive question that some […]
Gopi Prem Diwas
GOPI PREM DIWAS14 February Valentine’s Day on 14 February is a global holiday that traditionally celebrates romantic love. It is one of the most commercially important holidays of the year. On this day, people celebrate their loved ones by exchanging Valentine Day’s cards, chocolates, gifts, flowers, especially red roses. Our Spiritual Master, Jagadguru Shri Kripalu […]
Philanthropic Works of Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat
Philanthropic Works of Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat In the Year 2022 Go to to see more pictures and videos. Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj had always emphasized the importance of overall care of the body, mind and soul. The spiritual work undertaken by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj is certainly his greatest contribution to society; […]