Blog - Page 2 of 14 - JKP
The Relationship between God and the Soul
(The Soul’s Quest for happiness) Part 1 A Speech delivered by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj in 1984 at Sadhana Bhawan The human body is regarded as the most advanced among all species, primarily due to its superior capacity for knowledge. We are innately curious beings, always seeking to understand the world around us. But […]
Celebration or Contemplation on New Year
By Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharai Today is the last day of this Year. Tomorrow there will be celebrations throughout the world. But it is wrong to celebrate. This is not a matter of celebration. The advent of the New Year is not a cause of celebration. It is a cause of worry. Suppose you […]
The Unconditional Grace of God and Mahapurush
Speech by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj God and Mahapurush (Saint) are compassionate and merciful without any reason or motive. In the material world, anyone under the influence of Maya (illusion) cannot express true, unconditional kindness and compassion without an underlying motive or reason. It is simply impossible. What is our highest purpose? It is […]
Spiritual Leaders of Vrindavan Unite in Unprecedented Support for H.H. Sushri Dr. Shyama Tripathi Ji and H.H. Sushri Dr. Krishna Tripathi Ji While Honoring H.H. Sushri Dr. Vishakha Tripathi Ji’s Life and Legacy
Spiritual Leaders of Vrindavan Unite in Unprecedented Support for H.H. Sushri Dr. Shyama Tripathi Ji and H.H. Sushri Dr. Krishna Tripathi Ji While Honoring H.H. Sushri Dr. Vishakha Tripathi Ji’s Life and Legacy – The Daughters of Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj
Identifying A True Saint (Mahapurush)
As written by H.H. Sushri Dr. Vishakha Tripathi Ji in Her book, Spirituality in Daily Living It is very difficult to determine the true nature of anyone, let alone a Saint (Mahapurush), simply by observing his external behaviour. A Saint, i.e., one who has attained God and is well-versed in all the scriptures, can only […]
A Heartfelt Tribute to Our Beloved “Badi Didi” from JKP: Publication Department
Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat: Publication Department offers this heartfelt tribute to our beloved and revered Badi Didi, Sushri Dr Vishakha Tripathi Ji. Sushri Dr. Vishakha Tripathi, the eldest daughter of our Supreme Spiritual Master, Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj, President of Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat, was simply our beloved Badi Didi. She has always been a boundless source of inspiration, guiding us […]
A Heartfelt Tribute to Pujya Badi Didi
पूज्या बड़ी दीदी को भावभीनी श्रद्धांजलिपूज्या बड़ी दीदी! हम, जगद्गुरु कृपालु चिकित्सालयों के समस्त सेवक जन, अत्यंत शोकाकुल हैं, आपके आकस्मात अपने दिव्य धाम प्रस्थान से गहरे आहत।सन् 2009 में हमारी परम पूज्या अम्मा, माँ पद्मा, के महाप्रयाण और 2013 में हमारे प्राण स्वरुप गुरुवर, जगद्गुरु श्री कृपालुजी महाराज की लीला संवरण के बाद, बड़ी […]
A Tearful Tribute to Our Revered Badi Didi, Daughter of Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj, H. H. Sushri Dr. Vishakha Tripathi Ji
राधे राधे,हम, आश्रमवासी, अपनी पूज्या और प्रियातिप्रिय बड़ी दीदी को किस हृदय से श्रद्धांजलि दें! आँखों में आंसू हैं, मन में कभी आपकी करुणामयी मुस्कान भरी, कभी कीर्तन रस डूबी, कभी हमें अपने कोमल करों से हमें कुछ भेंट, कभी उपहार, तो कभी हम तुच्छ सेवकों के लिए कोई मिठाई तो कभी वस्त्र आदि देकर प्रसन्न […]
Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat Offers a Tribute, Our Ever-Glorious Badi Didi
जगद्गुरु कृपालु परिषत् की ओर से एक भक्तिपूर्ण श्रद्धांजलि – शाश्वत गरिमामय, हमारी बड़ी दीदी श्रद्धा और कृतज्ञता से ओत-प्रोत हृदयों के साथ, हम परम पूजनीया डॉ. सुश्री विशाखा त्रिपाठी जी, जिन्हें स्नेहपूर्वक बड़ी दीदी के नाम से जाना जाता है, के दिव्य जीवन को शत कोटि नमन करते हैं। उनका इस नश्वर संसार से […]
An Icon of Selfless Service: Remembering Her Holiness Sushri Dr. Vishakha Tripathi, the Daughter of Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj
It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Her Holiness Sushri Dr. Vishakha Tripathi Ji, the President of Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat (JKP), on November 24, 2024, at the age of 75. Her life was a shining example of devotion, humility, and tireless service to humanity, guided by the teachings of her father […]