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An Icon of Selfless Service: Remembering Her Holiness Sushri Dr. Vishakha Tripathi, the Daughter of Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj
It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Her Holiness Sushri Dr. Vishakha Tripathi Ji, the President of Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat (JKP), on November 24, 2024, at the age of 75. Her life was a shining example of devotion, humility, and tireless service to humanity, guided by the teachings of her father […]
A Soulful Tribute from the Preachers of Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj | जगद्गुरु श्री कृपालु जी महाराज के प्रचारक गणों की ओर से एक भावपूर्ण श्रद्धांजलि
Please scroll down for English. जगद्गुरु श्री कृपालु जी महाराज के प्रचारक गणों की ओर से एक भावपूर्ण श्रद्धांजलि – हम सबकी प्रेरणास्रोत, प्यारी बड़ी दीदी हमारे सेवा कार्य में हमें अत्यधिक उत्साहित करने वाली, हमारी प्यारी प्यारी बड़ी दीदी सुश्री विशाखा त्रिपाठी को हम सब श्रद्धापूर्ण भक्तियुक्त हृदय से श्रद्धांजलि समर्पित करते हैं। उनके गोलोक […]
The Story Behind Tulsi Vivah
(Speech by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj on the occasion of Tulsi Vivah) Today marks an important festival honouring Thakur Ji, (Shri Krishna) the Supreme Lord. The story behind this day is deeply profound, revolving around the demon Jalandhar and his chaste wife Vrinda. Jalandhar was a powerful demon, and due to the chastity of […]
The Significance of Akshay Navami
(Speech by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaji on the occasion of Akshay Navami) “Man Karu Sumiran Radhe Rani Ke Charan” “O mind – engage in the remembrance of Radha Rani’s lotus feet.” A philosopher speaks to his mind, saying, “O mind, meditate on the charan (lotus feet) of Radha Rani.” Why does he speak to […]
Gopashtami: The Divine Bond of Love Between Shri Krishna and His Cowherd Friends
Gopashtami is one of the most important and joyous pastimes among all the pastimes of Shri Krishna. The eighth lunar day of Kartik month is known as Gopastami. It is believed that on this auspicious day Nanda Maharaj sent his children Krishna and Balrama for the first time to herd the cows. (Short speech by […]
Bhaiya Dooj Celebrations
(Speech given by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj on the occasion of Bhaiya Dooj) Mere bhi hai bhaiya, Krishna Kanhaiya “I also have a brother, and his name is Krishn Kanhaiya, Dauji ke bhaiya, Krishn Kanhaiya He is Balram’s brother, Krishn Kanhaiya In the world, we have many relationships – with mothers, fathers, daughters, wives, […]
Govardhan Pooja
(Excerpt from a speech made by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj on the occasion of Govardhan Pooja) Today is the day of Govardhan Pooja. The day we worship Giridhari. Why do we observe this festival? It has great significance and we need to understand. Throughout the Vedas, Puranas and scriptures, God and Saints have instructed […]
Light up your heart – this Diwali
(Speech by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj on occasion of Diwali) ‘Hari Surya Maya Tam’ God is like the sun and maya represents darkness. When God enters the heart, the darkness of maya is destroyed. In the world, people celebrate Diwali but they do not know its significance. Gaurang Mahaprabhu has said, “Shri Krishna is […]
The secret behind celebrating Dhanteras
(Speech by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj on Dhanteras) Today marks the festival of Dhanteras, a day dedicated to the worship of Goddess Lakshmi. According to our scriptures, Maha Lakshmi emerged from the left side of Radha Rani, while Maha Vishnu emerged from the left side of Shri Krishna. There is also a story that […]
Essence of Karwa Chauth
(Speech by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj on Karwa Chauth) Today is Karwa Chauth. Every festival serves a purpose, and it is essential that this purpose draws our minds closer to Shri Krishna. In our Hindu faith, many festivals are celebrated to encourage householders to somehow dedicate at least 100-150 days out of 365 days […]