Blog - Page 6 of 14 - JKP
Importance of Sita Navami
Sita Navami, also known as Sita Jayanti is an auspicious festival which marks the birth anniversary of Sita Maiya, the divine consort of Lord Rama. Sita Navami is celebrated to observe the values and ethics that Goddess Sita set for her devotees. She is believed to be the embodiment of purity and chastity. On […]
Importance of Mother’s Day
(Speech given by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj on Mother’s Day on 13 May 2001) The whole world is celebrating Mother’s Day today. The true meaning of celebrating Mother’s day i.e. a day to honour mothers. In other words, it is a day to understand the importance of a mother. Who is a mother? And […]
The Significance of Akshaya Tritiya
(Lecture given by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj on the occasion of Akshya Tritiya) A devotee has asked me the significance of Akshaya Tritiya. This is a festival pertaining to Lord Krishna and the significance of all the days pertaining to Lord Krishna is only that by surrendering ourselves physically, financially and mentally to Lord […]
Lord Ram is our only True Relative
(A discourse given by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj on the occasion of Ram Navmi) “The Vedas have said this about God: Lord Ram alone is the father, mother, brother, well-wisher and everything for a soul. Other than him, we have no other real relation with anybody in this world at all. For example, millions […]
Shri Guru Dham, Bhakti Mandir – A Divine Resolve
To express gratitude for the countless deeds of their Guru and father Jagadguruttam Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj, the Presidents of Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat (JKP, ) H. H. Sushri Dr Vishakha Tripathi Ji, H. H. Sushri Dr Shyama Tripathi Ji and H. H. Sushri Dr Krishna Tripathi Ji, Kripalu Dham, made an auspicious resolution in January […]
A True Devotee
(An excerpt of a speech made by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj on Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Jayanti) तृणादपि सुनीचेन तरोरपि सहिष्णुना । अमानिना मानदेन कीर्तनीयः सदा हरिः ॥ trinadapi sunichena tarorapi sahishnuna amanina manadena kirtaniyah sadah harih (Shikshashtak, Gaurang Mahaprabhu) Devotees on the path of bhakti need to fulfil the following conditions if they are to […]
Holi Madhuri Leela
Ya kare ne, kare karataba kare Sunu gori hori khelana misa, haya! karora juluma dhare Malata gulala gala kahi ‘pyari’! Mohum kaha ‘tu kaha pyare’ Barabasa nainana naina milavata, puni taki-taki sainana mare Kahata lajata bata aurana sakhi, karata na ka, re daiya re Kaha ‘Kripalu’ tu to abala sakhi! ya te vidhi, hari, hara […]
The Festival Holi
Do we really celebrate Holi? In celebrating Holi we highlight the omnipresence of God. Unfortunately, most people fail to realise the true significance of this festival, and instead just play with colours and make merry. The real aim of celebrating Holi is to follow the teachings and example of Bhakt Prahlada by developing unflinching faith […]
Bhakti of Lord Shankar Ji
(An excerpt of a speech made by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj on Shivratri ) In the Ramayana, Tulsidas has written some verses and raised a question. Is there a principle that devotion to God can’t be attained without worshipping Lord Shankar ji? Is it compulsory to worship Lord Shankarji? The answer to this is […]
12th Anniversary of Prem Mandir
(Temple of Divine Love) Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj, the Rasik Saint, who remained ever immersed in the bliss of Shri Radha Krishna’s most sublime divine love pastimes, offered a transcendental gift of this Supreme Love to Shri Vrindavan Dham – ‘PREM MANDIR’ (Temple of Divine Love). Generally temples are named after various descensions of […]