Blog - Page 8 of 14 - JKP
What is my relationship with God?
The God that people worship is the Supreme Almighty God himself, the all-knowing, all-powerful and all-majestic. He is the Governor, Creator and Sustainer of the entire universe. Everything about Him is infinite. He is omnipotent and omnipresent and there is nothing or no one greater than Him. How is it possible for us ignorant, insignificant […]
Who is Shri Radha?
(A Special Radhashtami Lecture by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj) Today is the auspicious day of Shri Radha Rani’s Appearance. Hence you all must have a desire to know, what is Radha Tattva? Who is Radha? Let’s first understand the grammatical formation of the word ‘Radha.’ Radha is a root word in Sanskrit language. Its […]
The Supremacy of the Divine Name, ‘RADHE’
Throughout His life, Shri Maharaj Ji gave all who came in contact with Him, be they an eminent scholar, skeptic, or everyday person, the opportunity to understand three essential truths: Shree Radha is the ultimate goal of every living being. Shree Radha is the essence of all scriptures. Shree Radha is the personification of the […]
What is our relationship with Shri Krishna? Part 3
As explained, our relationship with Shri Krishna is not an ordinary relationship. It is a relationship with imbued Grace. It is like the relationship of a mother to her child. She always thinks of the child’s welfare. But there may be one doubt in your mind, when you are alone. Let’s resolve that also. This […]
What is our relationship with Shri Krishna? Part 2
There is a story narrated by village folks which relates to this. Once a father scolded his son for a mistake and slapped him. The son felt so bad that he ran away from home. He was upset but then he found some work. And gradually, he became a millionaire. After attaining maturity, he thought […]
What is our relationship with Shri Krishna? Part 1
What is our sambandh or relationship with Shree Krishna? Sambandh has ‘sam’ as the prefix and ‘bandh’ as the root word. That is samyak bandhan, all around, complete or 100% relationship. That is the meaning of sambandh. It’s just like your mother, father, brother, brother-in-law or son-in-law, whom you call your relations or relatives. Can […]
The Significance of Naag Panchami
The Significance of
Naag Panchami | Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj | Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat
The Profound Significance of Guru Purnima
The true celebration of Guru Purnima will only commence when you surrender completely unto the lotus feet of your Spiritual Master. On the auspicious occasion of Guru Purnima, everyone would like to know what the real meaning of Guru Purnima is. It is the complete surrender by an individual soul under the bondage of maya […]
Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru MaheshwaraGuru Sakshat Param Brahma Tasmai Shri Gurave Namah The Guru performs the roles of Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh. Playing the role of Brahma, he gives us the jnana or knowledge. As Vishnu, he protects that knowledge, and as Shankar or Mahesh, he destroys or dispels ignorance. Only a Sadguru is […]
Why do we have mood swings?
(The Philosophy of Sanatan Dharm) One day we wake up feeling on top of the world, and another day, we feel sad and dejected for no good reason. Why is this so? Observe the constantly fluctuating and unusual nature of the world. There is a predominance of the three gunas, or the modes of Maya, […]