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The Significance of Naag Panchami

21 August 2023

The Significance of
Naag Panchami | Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj | Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat

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The Profound Significance of Guru Purnima

30 June 2023

The true celebration of Guru Purnima will only commence when you surrender completely unto the lotus feet of your Spiritual Master. On the auspicious occasion of Guru Purnima, everyone would like to know what the real meaning of Guru Purnima is. It is the complete surrender by an individual soul under the bondage of maya […]

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30 June 2023

Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru MaheshwaraGuru Sakshat Param Brahma Tasmai Shri Gurave Namah The Guru performs the roles of Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh. Playing the role of Brahma, he gives us the jnana or knowledge. As Vishnu, he protects that knowledge, and as Shankar or Mahesh, he destroys or dispels ignorance. Only a Sadguru is […]

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Why do we have mood swings?

28 May 2023

(The Philosophy of Sanatan Dharm) One day we wake up feeling on top of the world, and another day, we feel sad and dejected for no good reason. Why is this so? Observe the constantly fluctuating and unusual nature of the world. There is a predominance of the three gunas, or the modes of Maya, […]

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Is the World Real or an Illusion?

21 May 2023

(The Philosophy of Sanatan Dharm) The answer is both. There are in fact two worlds, the external gross world and the internal world of desires. The inner world is within the mind of every living being. It consists of innumerable subtle impressions created in countless lifetimes by the desires for various gross material objects. The […]

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How can I know God?

12 May 2023

Every living being in the world is a seeker of God.  Even if one tries for countless ages, he cannot become an atheist.  The reason is that even the so-called atheist is searching for bliss.  This ‘bliss’ is synonymous with ‘God’ and so one who is searching for happiness is searching knowingly or unknowingly for […]

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Discovering the True Mother on Mother’s Day

12 May 2023

Shri Maharaj Ji’s Message on the occasion of Mother’s Day Radharani alone is everyone’s mother. Therefore the true meaning of celebrating Mother’s Day is to accept Radharani as your mother. Accept this from your heart. So once we come to know it and accept it with full faith that Radharani alone is our soul’s mother, […]

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Is there a God?

3 May 2023

There are two viewpoints – one of the materialists and the other of the spiritualists.  The materialists hold the view that the creation, sustenance and destruction of the universe are all mechanical processes governed by natural laws.  There is no entity named God.  He is merely a product of a weak, degenerate mind.  It is […]

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Sita Navmi, The Divine Appearance of Sita Mata

28 April 2023

Sita Navami, also known as Sita Jayanti is an auspicious festival which marks the birth anniversary of Sita Maiya, the divine consort of Lord Rama. Sita Navami is celebrated to observe the values and ethics that Goddess Sita set for her devotees. She is believed to be the embodiment of purity and chastity. On this […]

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The Significance of Akshay Tritiya

22 April 2023

The Significance of Akshay Tritiya Akshay Tritiya is a festival relating to Lord Krishna. Akshay means “unlimited.” There are many stories relating to this festival, however, the main significance of this festival is to surrender ourselves physically, financially and mentally at the Lotus Feet of Lord Krishna. The charity given on this day yields unlimited […]

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