How to Engage Your Mind in God

How to Engage Your Mind in God by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj | Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat

Most of you complain that your mind does not get absorbed in God. Initially it is difficult to engage your mind in God, but with practice it will happen. In the beginning, you need to withdraw it from the world again and again and attach it to God forcibly. Gradually it will get absorbed naturally. 

This is similar to developing a bad habit like smoking. A person forces himself to become a smoker initially, thinking that smoking is a very stylish thing to do. He may wear a suit and tie and behave like a smart gentleman, with a cigarette hanging from his mouth.  He coughs and splutters but puffs away regardless, just to win the attention of others, thinking he is showing himself to be extraordinarily modern. 

He continues like this for a week, ten days, one month, ten months, twenty months and now the cigarette has complete hold over him. He cannot quit the habit even if he tries desperately. If he tries not to smoke, he develops headaches and experiences anxiety and tension. In a similar manner, the consumption of alcohol is also habit-forming. Ultimately these and other such addictive habits victimise the person so badly that he feels totally helpless against them.

We possess only one mind. It can be engaged either in the world or in God. Your true goal of achieving unlimited divine happiness lies only in God. So, replace all your worldly desires or divert them towards God. This is the only way to rid yourself of the disease of desire. You may try hard for millions and millions of years, but your desires will only keep on multiplying and you will not be able to engage your mind in God (Bhagavatam, 9.19.14).

Withdraw your mind from the world that is full of sorrow and suffering and attach it to God, who is the embodiment of bliss. Over time and with constant practice you will begin to experience spiritual happiness. Once you start experiencing this special bliss, your mind will become absorbed in contemplation of God to such an extent that one day you will even openly challenge God, like Saint Surdas. 

Surdas challenged the Lord, “O Shyamasundara! You claim to be all-powerful, but I will only believe You if You have the power to leave my heart,” and the Lord accepted defeat. 

God is bound by love in such a way that He cannot leave His devotee. To conclude, we should practise replacing all our worldly desires with the desire for God, the embodiment of infinite bliss. In this way, our mind will be engrossed in God.

*A brief introduction of Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj*

(Known by His devotees as Shri Maharaj Ji)

The original title of Jagadguruttam (Greatest Spiritual Teacher of the World) was bestowed upon Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj on January 14, 1957, by Kashi Vidvat Parishad (a council of 500 greatest scholars saints of India). He composed divine texts like Prem Ras Madira, Prem Ras Siddhant, and Radha Govind Geet to lead us on the right path of devotion. He also gave priceless monuments as gifts to the world which include Bhakti Mandir located in Bhakti Dham, Mangarh, Prem Mandir located in Vrindavan Dham, and Kirti Mandir located in Barsana Dham. Shri Maharaj Ji also built hospitals for the impoverished, the Jagadguru Kripalu Chikitsalaya in Vrindavan, Jagadguru Kripalu Chikitsalaya in Barsana, and another one in Pratapgarh. All three help millions of underprivileged to gain free access to medical care. His Kindergarten, School, and College for impoverished girls Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat Education is located in Kunda and provides completely free education.